Join An Incredible Community Of Facilitators, Coaches And Truth Seekers

If You're Exploring Psychedelics, Plant Medicine Or Peak Experiences And You Feel Like You CAN'T Maintain A Breakthrough...not Sure How To Handle A Breakdown or Struggle To Explain This Work To Others...

Watch the video below
and discover how this 3 day event teaches simple and easy strategies to transform every area of your life.

...Learn Exact Integration Systems And Strategies Designed To Grow As You Do –

Have You Been Looking For A Proven System For Integration

To Make Sense Of What Is Working And What Isn't

...When It Comes To Personal Growth?

Make Breakthroughs Last

(And Breakdowns Not Last So Long)

In The Psychedelic Space and Beyond


We won't just tell you to "set intentions." We'll show you how to create a rock-solid foundation for your journey,
so you can hit the ground running.


Forget about getting lost in the psychedelic wilderness. We'll give you the map, the compass, and the survival skills you need to navigate any challenge that comes your way.


This is where the rubber meets the road. We'll teach you how to turn those psychedelic insights into real-world results, so you can create lasting change in your life and the lives of others.

Every Person's Journey is Unique

What works for one may not work for another due to context, age, and life experience.

That's why we don't just offer a one-size-fits-all approach; we empower you to understand why certain methods work, who they work for, and what differences impact results.

Everyone will coach someone if you stay in this space for any length of time.

The question is...

How committed are you to walking the walk of this work?

With Great Power

Comes Great Responsibility.

When you know different, you do different.

We understand the nuances of navigating sensitive bodies, and we're here to show you how to spot signs of 'too much' or 'not enough' in your own body, and in others, so you can stay safe, connected and fulfilled.

Our intention is to empower you to step forward, especially if you've been deeply impacted by psychedelics, and equip you with the tools to be highly effective in navigating even the most complex emotional landscapes as you integrate.

Your community is seeking a resource of grounded information, is that you?

Hundreds of People Have Taken This Life-Changing Training Already.

Are You Ready to Be NEXT?


There's a place where ancient wisdom

meets modern coaching...

Where you can ensure the breakthroughs last

and the breakdowns don't last so long...

It's called The Condor Approach.

"This has been life-changing."

Donte wanted to gain the confidence to step forward as a coach in his home town of Philly. Hear how he left ready to take the simple frameworks and proven methodology back home.

⚖️ This Training Is for You If:

  • You've completed numerous courses but still struggle to grasp emotions, trauma, stress, or emotional navigation.

  • You're a coach or medicine carrier and feel ill-equipped to provide effective pre or post-journey support.

  • You've never had a personal psychedelic experience but want to be armed with the best information.

  • You're a seasoned coach, therapist, or facilitator who has been in the game 10+ years and don't think there is much you haven't studied or learned, this ties it all in.

  • You're searching for a comprehensive system and framework to guide you from intake to integration, ensuring safety, connection, and fulfillment.

  • You're committed to doing the work - not just chasing the next peak experience.

  • You want to tangibly measure and track integration progress.

  • You seek community support and expert guidance for self-discovery.

  • You know integration is a lifelong journey - not a one-time event.

🙅‍♀️ This is NOT for you if.... 🙅‍♀️

  • ⚠️ You are coming for a recreational psychedelic experience.

  • ⚠️ Seeking one-off plant medicine ceremonies.

  • ⚠️ Seeking clinical or medical treatment.

  • ⚠️ Looking for a quick fix or magic bullet solution.

  • ⚠️ Interested in enabling avoidance or escapism.

  • ⚠️ Shying away from conversations with people of varying beliefs.

  • ⚠️ Seeking counseling, diagnosis, or therapy.

  • ⚠️ Coach or healer looking for clients or to leverage the community for your own benefit, business or retreat center and not the betterment of the the members of it.

I've Been Around The Spiritual Block...

"As far as my personal transformation goes, this is the most potent, and powerful experience I've ever had."


Meridyth Driskill

It Actually Helped Me Work Through My Problems In Real Time...

"Of all the containers I have been in, this was the most profound and gave me concrete steps to make a difference in my life."


Colton Mayhew

I Saw How Effective These Tools Are...

"I appreciate how Tah and Kole take time to tap into us personally as facilitators and pull things out from our emotions to show us how effective these tools are."


Medicine Man, Sincere Seven

The Story of

The Condor Approach

Meet Tah Whitty

Tah, spent 25 years as an emergency room nurse working nights in busy New York City hospitals.

He witnessed firsthand the immediate and long-term impacts of stress and trauma on the body.

But Tah’s journey began much earlier.

Growing up in Flatbush, Brooklyn through the 70's and 80's he witness and experienced the impact of the crack epidemic, HIV, and the complexity of trauma. These experiences instilled in him a deep sense of empathy and a drive to help others in a more sustainable way.

While working in the ER, Tah could see the manifestations of deeper emotional and psychological wounds with the thousands of people that entered the system. He realized that traditional medicine often failed to address these root causes and longed for more.

In 2013, Tah's own body broke down, leaving him unable to walk or work which led him to explore alternative healing modalities, including psychedelics.

Meet Kole Whitty

Kole began her journey in 2001, working with teens in Utah, focusing on trauma and substance abuse. Her dedication and unique approach were even granted a day of recognition in the state of Utah. However, her path to this work was not a straight line.

As a teenager, she struggled and was in a coma from an overdose at 17, which is what led her to become a inspirational speaker for teens speaking on national talk shows and international stages, it wasn't until her own health crashed at 26 that she had her first encounter with the profound healing potential of guided psychedelic experiences.

These experiences opened her eyes to the deep interconnection between the mind, body, and spirit. It was her own healing journey that sparked a passion for understanding how unresolved emotional issues manifest as physical health problems as she ventured into personal training as a career.

Our Paths Converge:

Through divine timing and our own travels to Peru, we were married high above Machu Picchu in 2015, a fitting climb to symbolize how far we had come and the power of the path we were on. As two eagles circled overhead, our wedding was not only performed by Mallku (which means condor in Quechua) but blessed by a condor feather—fitting for what we would create together via The Condor Approach.

Together and separately, we had been working with personal training clients, both one-on-one and with large groups, in person and virtually. At its peak, our fitness classes online were seeing 500+ participants from 2013 to 2017. During this time, we began addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of our community members. Our holistic approach not only transformed our clients' physical health but also allowed them to start crafting the lives they had been dreaming of outside of weight loss.

As we continued to grow in our practice, we started coaching biohackers, healthcare practitioners, and doctors privately in their own relationships, emotional navigation, and understanding the nature of what was driving them to be high performers, often to their own health detriment and the detriment of their relationships. It was our unique blend of western medicine, data-driven coaching, and fluid systems that built a referral-based business that brought us in 2018 to live in Austin, Texas.

From small group retreats for wellness professionals, coaches of all kinds, online marketers to shamans, healers, and facilitators, we saw that the methods worked with all people because it revolved around the body's intelligence.

The Condor Approach was born as a methodology from our actual professional experience coupled with our personal journeys, bridging mysticism and science—clear structures that are measurable, adaptable, and changeable, bio-individual and unique, and effective without being rigid, like the banks of a river.

In 2021, we held our first live training with no email list and filled a Turkish rug store called Magic Caravan, for three packed days in Austin, Texas with nearly 80 people in attendance.

Since that day we have conducted 12 x 5-Day trainings and three shorter events and have proven that the method works no matter who you are, where you're from, or who you have been.

This is the path forward that is powered by YOU and why we say

"Integration Is Not Optional But How You Integrate Is."

What Makes Us Different:

  • We have walked the path we teach, both personally and professionally.

  • Our journey spans the spectrum from mysticism to science, blending ancient wisdom with modern coaching techniques.

  • We have worked with a diverse range of individuals, from biohackers, doctors, and clinicians to shamans, healers, and coaches.

  • Our unique approach is built on a foundation of experience, education, and professional evidence.

  • From international retreats to events up to 16,000 people, our experience in community, trauma and transformation is unmatched and spans over 50 years, together.

First, we taught our highest-level students how to take these simple and easy frameworks and serve clients, their businesses, marriages, and lives in a way they can see what is working and what isn't.

It wasn't about psychedelics at all, it was about integrating changes in life, partnership, childbirth, job, loss or transformational retreats.

Now, we are called to bring these same tools to more people to guide, lead, inspire, and liberate their families with this information.

Think Big.

Dreaming of making an impact on your terms, contributing to the causes and groups that matter to you without having to sacrifice yourself to be of service?

We can help you build it like we have done over and over again for change makers all over the world.

We Empower You To Become A Leader And Step Forward On Our Stages As You Grow

After we train you how to coach yourself, your kids, and your clients we put coaches on our stage to further their skill sets and build their confidence.

"The Condor Approach has given me the confidence to step fully into my passion as a speaker, event MC and podcast host."

Providencia Lopez


Is The Condor Approach Still Worth it for a Full-Time Coach/Healer?

"As a coach of ten years

I was completely blown away."

-Ruby Fremon


The Condor Approach Live isn't just a live event —

it's a movement, one that doesn't attract people by happenstance or coincidence.

It's about joining others on a journey of evolution and growth, maintaining our unique differences while celebrating our shared humanity.

What Awaits You at a 3-Day Live Event

Our program allows you to save years or even decades of guesswork, tens of thousands of dollars, and painful mistakes. It has the POWER to:

  • Help You Predictably Access Confidence to Produce RESULTS: Not just in one area but in ALL areas of your life, in a way that is measurable, adaptable, and changeable.

  • Help You Identify and Take Precise Action: Despite limiting beliefs and destructive behaviors that keep you stuck, scared, and playing small.

  • Help You Move with Intention and Purpose: In your relationships to create the vitality and love you know exists.

  • Elevate Your Business and Re-Ignite Relationships: Transition from thinking you can't, you won't, or you don't, to you CAN, you WILL, and you DO.

But, the life you want doesn't come for free.

It requires you to GO ALL IN,

trusting a process proven by hundreds before you.

The investment will be immediately felt, experienced, and visible not only to yourself but to those around you on day one of the live event.

Why It’s Critical to Come Live

You cannot embody these concepts in a digital format alone.

These tools must be taught AND experienced to understand specifically how to navigate them personally. A concept only explored in the mind is merely information, not wisdom.

And it needs community, data, input, and practice. We don't just show you the way; we guide you in experiencing it.

Are you ready to take the next step in your journey? Trust the process that has been proven by thousands before you. The investment will be immediately felt, experienced, and visible—not only to yourself but to those around you.

Join us live and be part of a community that is committed to lasting transformation. Save your spot now and start creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Choose Your Date:

  • Austin, Sept 12-14th, 2024

  • Draper, Utah Sept 26-28th, 2024

"What if I am not working with psychedelics,

will these tools still help me?"


Click "Watch Now" below to hear how The Condor Approach

helped Sensei Subira heal after breast cancer.

Like the condor, our tools and frameworks are focused on resilience and adaptability, keeping one eye on the horizon while honoring our past.

We understand the importance of tradition, and refuse to be imprisoned by outdated systems.

We embrace change, ready to undertake the necessary work to dismantle obsolete structures as part of nature's clean-up crew.

Our community serves as an incubator, fostering growth and innovation while championing the belief that you can build a business that's both profitable and impactful.

We see this community as a nest, a supportive environment for your boldest ideas and wildest dreams to be birthed and actualized.

Who We Are

Our community is a tapestry of diversity, much like a blooming garden or a vibrant mosaic, where each individual represents a unique background and experience.

We deeply value intentional integration—the delicate art of blending ancient wisdom with modern coaching, harmonizing the epic with the everyday.

Here, we are actively practicing walking the walk, while supporting one another with grace and honest reflections.

This is a space where doctors, shamans, nurses, facilitators, and medicine carriers come together for authentic conversations about the issues affecting their communities.

When you join us, you unlock a whole new world of possibilities for you and your families, your passions,

-and your purpose.

Here, you'll master the art of interpreting the body's wisdom, unraveling the true meanings behind your emotions, and honing your communication skills to unparalleled heights.

In transformational spaces, progress is dictated by the pace of the slowest nervous system in the room.

It's about acknowledging that our collective advancement depends on understanding and respecting each individual's unique journey.

Real People. Real Results.

Step into a portal of possibilities with The Condor Approach.

It's a transformative journey that tests your foundation, illuminates areas you desire to strengthen, and propels you towards your destined impact.

Integration isn't just a buzzword here—it's a profound process, guiding you to not only integrate your own experiences but also to serve others with clarity and purpose.

"It's the strategies for me!"

Licensed Therapist

"I found what I've been seeking."

Wellness Coach

"I didn't even know I need this!"

Cacao Facilitator

And We Have Tons More..

Allow us to pull back the curtain so you can see what a live event is like inside...just push play.

Our live events are designed to:

  • Decode Your Body's Wisdom

    Your body speaks a unique language, and we'll empower you to understand and interpret its messages, unlocking the path to enduring transformation.

  • 📈 Empower and Understand What Your Emotions Are Telling You

    Tap into the rich tapestry of your emotions, gaining clarity and insight to make decisions aligned with your true self, fostering deep connections and meaningful growth.

  • 🧘 Exact Templates For Integrating Insights into Daily Life

    Equip yourself with practical tools and techniques to seamlessly integrate profound insights from your journey into your everyday existence, fostering sustainable growth and evolution.

  • 🚀 Learn to Create a Profitable Business Helping People Grow

    From intake to integration, discover how you can create a fulfilling career supporting others in their growth and transformation, while building a thriving business of your own.

Your Live Event Registration includes:


Three Full Days of Immersive Learning

Experience the perfect blend of experiential, structured, and tactical learning as you dive deep into the frameworks of The Condor Approach.

Over three full days, you'll engage in hands-on activities, structured lessons, and practical applications of the Condor Method, so that you can apply the lessons in real time on yourself, friends or clients.


The Condor Integration Templates

This comprehensive, 4-part framework is your roadmap to profound personal growth and evolution.

Guided by the Condor Approach, you'll learn how to navigate and integrate both exciting and challenging circumstances personally and as a coach/healer.


Instant Access to the Video Training Portal

Gain instant access to our online portal, where you can jumpstart your learning journey before the live event.

Explore foundational concepts, access resources, and prepare yourself to delve even deeper into the teachings during the live event.


Members Only Community

Connect with a diverse and supportive community of like-minded individuals through The Condor Might Network.

Access exclusive resources, engage in meaningful discussions, and forge connections with medicine carriers, nurses, therapists, coaches and other truth seekers on a similar path of personal growth and transformation.

Here's Everything You Get when You Register For The Condor Approach Live:

  • Registered For 1 x 3 Day LIVE Condor Coach Certification ($1,997 Value)

  • Instant Access to The Condor Approach Portal with hours of video, audio, and calls ($1,997)

  • 30 days Of Weekly Coaching Calls ($997)

  • 4 x Virtual Master Classes: ($400)


  • Personal Mind-Body Integration Workbook with Templates And Guides ($48)

    Total Value: $5,524

Get It All For Only $997

"How would you describe the impact

The Condor Approach has had on your life?"

"We came to learn more tools for our coaching business. We never could have anticipated the profound impact that choice would have on our lives.

Our relationship not only flourished but we started attracted dream clients. The Condor Approach has not only elevated our professional lives but has deeply enriched our personal lives beyond measure by the people it brought into it."

"I kept thinking I needed more healing before I could help anyone else...

now I can see this is a part of my healing."

Inner Knowing

Featured On Podcasts Like

As Seen On Documentaries Like

So, Maybe You Are Asking Yourself...

"When are the events and where are they located?"


  • Austin, June 13-15th, 2024

  • Austin, Sept 12-14th, 2024

  • Draper, Utah Sept 26-28th, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Upcoming Training Dates 2024

June 13th-15th, 2024 in Austin, TX

Sept 12-14th, in Austin, TX

Sept 26-28th, in Draper Utah

What is The Condor Approach?

The Condor Approach is a transformative journey that bridges ancient wisdom with modern coaching, blending spiritual evolution with technological innovation. Led by Tah and Kole Whitty, our approach focuses on empowering individuals to embrace their purpose, integrate profound experiences, and create lasting change in their lives.

Who can benefit from The Condor Approach?

The Condor Approach is for anyone seeking personal growth, transformation, and integration. Whether you're new to this work or already on a path of self-discovery, our events and resources are designed to support individuals at every stage of their journey.

What can I expect from attending an event?

Our events offer a unique blend of experiential learning, structured teachings, and practical application. You'll have the opportunity to dive deep into self-discovery, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain valuable insights and tools for personal transformation.

Who Are These Events For?

⚖️ This Is for You If:

✅ You've completed numerous courses but still struggle to grasp emotions, trauma, stress, or emotional navigation.

✅ You're a coach or medicine carrier and feel ill-equipped to provide effective post-journey support.

✅ You've never had a personal psychedelic experience but want to be armed with the best information.

✅ You're a seasoned coach, therapist or facilitator who has been in the game 10+ years and don't think there is much you haven't studied or learned, this ties it all in.

✅ You're searching for a comprehensive system and framework to guide you from intake to integration, ensuring safety, connection, and fulfillment.

✅ You're committed to doing the work - not just chasing the next peak experienceYou want to tangibly measure and track integration progresses.

✅ You seek community support and expert guidance for self-discovery

✅ You know integration is a lifelong journey - not a one-time event

Who Are These Events NOT For?

This is NOT for you if....

❌ You are coming for a recreational psychedelic experience

❌ Seeking one-off plant medicine ceremonies

❌ Seeking clinical or medical treatment

❌ Looking for a quick fix or magic bullet solution

❌ Interested in enabling avoidance or escapism

❌ Shying away from conversations with individuals of varying beliefs.

❌ Seeking counseling, diagnosis, or therapy.

Are your events suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Our events are designed to meet you where you are on your journey. Whether you're brand new to this work or have been exploring for years, you'll find a supportive and welcoming environment where you can learn, grow, and connect with others.

How do I prepare for an event?

Prior to attending, we recommend setting intentions, cultivating mindfulness, and creating a supportive environment for yourself. You'll also receive access to our online portal, where you can explore pre-event resources to deepen your understanding and preparation.

What is the integration process like after attending an event?

Integration is an essential part of the journey, and we provide resources and support to help you navigate this process. From practical tips to ongoing community engagement, we're here to assist you in applying the insights and practices from our events to your daily life.

Can I connect with other participants outside of events?

Yes! We encourage community building and offer opportunities for connection through our online platform, Mighty Networks. This private community allows you to engage with fellow participants, share insights, and support each other on your journey of growth and integration.

How can I stay updated on upcoming events and offerings?

To stay informed about our latest events, workshops, and resources, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter and following us on social media. You can also check our website regularly for updates and announcements.

Do you offer any additional resources or support beyond events?

In addition to our live events, we provide a range of resources, including online courses, coaching certifications, a podcast, and community forums. These offerings are designed to support you on your ongoing journey of personal growth and transformation.

How can I get in touch if I have further questions?

If you have any further questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at [email protected] We're here to assist you in any way we can.

I already hold numerous certifications and have lots of experience in personal development. How does The Condor Approach stand out from other programs I have already taken?

What sets The Condor Approach apart is our focus on integration, depth and community. Our programs are designed to complement and enhance your existing knowledge and skills, providing you with new perspectives, insights, and tools to support your continued growth and evolution.

Rather than offering a new set of techniques or certifications (which we do offer when necessary), we provide the framework where all of the knowledge and skills you've already acquired, to integrate.

  • Registered For 1 x 3 Day LIVE Condor Coach Certification ($1,997 Value)

  • Instant Access to The Condor Approach Portal with hours of video, audio, and calls ($1,997)

  • 30 days Of Weekly Coaching Calls ($997)

  • 4 x Virtual Master Classes: ($400)


  • Personal Mind-Body Integration Workbook with Templates And Guides ($48)

    Total Value: $5,524

One-Time Payment Of $997

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