Live Virtual Workshop August 14th at 5-8pm CST

Boundaries Are A Skill

Build Stronger, More Fulfilling Relationships Through This Step-By-Step Boundary Creation And Implementation Process

Workshops Registration Closes

People not honoring your boundaries?

Discover the Simple But Powerful Secret to Transforming Your Relationships In This 3 Hour interactive Virtual Workshop

The truth is, most of us have been taught to prioritize others' needs over our own. We've been conditioned to believe that setting boundaries is selfish or even unkind.

But what if I told you that setting boundaries is actually the most loving and empowering thing you can do for yourself AND your relationships?

That's where my upcoming workshop, "Creating and Reinventing Healthy Relationships Through Boundaries," comes in.

Together we will learn and implement...

  • The clear distinction between boundaries and requests (this is where most people get it WRONG).

  • The different types of boundaries (it's not just about saying "no").

  • How to identify your OWN unique boundaries (what YOU need to feel safe and respected).

  • Hands-on practice creating your own boundaries (this is where the real transformation happens).

  • How to communicate your boundaries with confidence and clarity.

  • How to handle pushback and boundary violations.

  • The incredible ripple effect healthy boundaries have on EVERY area of your life.

Will learning these skills change your life, REALLY?


This isn't just another boring Virtual workshop.

You'll be actively involved in the process, working through real-life scenarios and getting personalized feedback from me. This is a safe space for you to explore your needs, practice setting boundaries, and step into your power.

Active Involvement

Real Life Scenarios

Personalized Feedback

This workshop is designed to give you the tools and strategies you need to create lasting change. By the end of our 3 hours together, you'll have a clear roadmap for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in all your personal and professional relationships.

Space is limited, and the Registration Closes Wed AM

so don't wait to register.


  • Finally being able to say "no" without feeling guilty.

  • Having the confidence to speak up for yourself and your needs.

  • Feeling empowered to set limits that protect your energy and well-being.

  • Creating deeper, more authentic connections with the people you love.

  • Living a life that truly reflects your values and priorities.

That's the power of boundaries. And it's all within your reach.

This is your chance to transform your relationships

and create a life that feels truly fulfilling

for less than $150.

This is the same method I've taught my private clients, who pay over six figures for my guidance.

Each one has told me that this framework for building, implementing, and having boundaries respected was worth every cent of their investment.

And you are joining me live for only $147.

If you're anything like me and have been disappointed by workshops that promised much but delivered little, you might be wondering...

"If it's so good, why is it so cheap?"

Even if 1,000 people attended (which they won't, I am limiting how many can attend so I can connect deeper with you), it wouldn't come close to my usual rate.

So naturally, you're thinking, what's the catch?

It's simple.

In our coaching certification program, I need to create a class on boundaries for our coaches. I prefer teaching concepts in a live setting because it feels more authentic and engaging. Plus, I genuinely enjoy connecting with people.

So, this is a one-time deal.

Meet Your Host

Tah Whitty

Tah Whitty

But Who Am I To Guide You Or Teach You About Boundaries?


My journey is one of resilience, compassion, and a deep commitment to healing. For 25 years, I served as an emergency room nurse in the heart of New York City, witnessing the devastating toll of stress, trauma, and addiction on countless lives.

In the hospital, I learned the importance of boundaries the hard way—after all, there's a saying that "nurses eat their young," and I definitely witnessed that over the years.

Growing up in Flatbush, Brooklyn, during the turbulent 70s and 80s, I experienced firsthand the impact of the crack epidemic, HIV, and the complex web of trauma that permeated my community. These early experiences ignited a profound sense of empathy within me and a burning desire to help others heal in a more holistic way.

Boundaries became a crucial lesson in my life as I navigated being a young single father and in my first divorce. I realized that I didn't have boundaries and people didn't honor any when I tried to set them. What I am teaching you now doesn't just help my clients; it changed MY life and is the bedrock of my marriage, my business, and my life as a parent, grandparent, and business owner.

While working in the ER, I recognized the limitations of traditional medicine in addressing the root causes of suffering. I witnessed the physical manifestations of deep emotional and psychological wounds, many I saw as examples of body's who's boundaries were not honored.

In 2013, my own body reached its breaking point, leaving me unable to walk or work. This personal crisis became a catalyst for profound transformation. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring alternative healing modalities, including the transformative power of psychedelics.

Through divine timing and my travels to Peru, my wife Kole and I were married high above Machu Picchu in 2015, a fitting symbol of our personal growth and the power of our commitment. As two eagles circled overhead, our wedding was not only performed by Mallku (meaning "condor" in Quechua) but also blessed by a condor feather—a fitting omen for the creation of our transformative work, The Condor Approach.

Together and separately, Kole and I worked with personal training clients, both one-on-one and in large groups, in person and virtually. Our online fitness classes attracted over 500 participants from 2013 to 2017, during which time we began addressing the physical and emotional aspects of our community members' well-being.

As we continued to grow in our practice, we started coaching biohackers, healthcare practitioners, and doctors privately, focusing on relationships, emotional navigation, and the underlying drivers of high performance. From the biggest stages, to 8 figure businesses, boundaries is something most of out clients struggled with in some area of their life.

Either their outward boundaries, or their inbound boundaries weren't getting the results they wanted.

Through our experiences, we recognized that our methods worked with all people because they revolved around the body's innate intelligence.

My journey is a testament to the power of boundaries and the importance of integrating all aspects of our being for holistic healing.

So, only you can decide if this is something you are willing to carve out time, money and commit to.

So, you in?

What is it like working with Tah?

Check out what past Clients have said

"I have healthier connections."

"I came to Tah feeling lost and overwhelmed in my relationships. I didn't know how to communicate my needs or stand up for myself. Tah's guidance was gentle but firm, and he gave me the tools I needed to set clear boundaries and create healthier connections." - Michael R.

"He helped me understand the root of my boundary issues."

"Working with Tah was a transformative experience. He helped me understand the root of my boundary issues and gave me the tools to create lasting change. I now feel empowered to navigate my relationships with clarity, confidence, and compassion." - Emily S.

What If You Could...

Identify Your Unique Needs: Discover your personal values, limits, and non-negotiables so you can set boundaries that truly honor your authentic self.

Want To Navigate Difficult Conversations?

You will learn how to address boundary violations with grace and assertiveness,

even in the most challenging situations?

Run, don't walk to save your virtual seat

in this 3 hour workshop

Frequently Ask Question

Q: Who is this workshop for?

A: This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to improve their relationships by learning how to set and maintain healthy boundaries. Whether you're a coach, healer, practitioner, or simply someone seeking more fulfilling connections, this workshop will provide you with valuable tools and insights.

Q: What if I'm not sure if I have "boundary issues"?

A: If you've ever felt unheard, overwhelmed, resentful, or taken advantage of in your relationships, this workshop can help. We'll explore the different types of boundaries and help you identify areas where you might need to strengthen your boundaries.

Q: What if I'm afraid of hurting others' feelings by setting boundaries?

A: Setting boundaries is an act of self-love and respect, not selfishness. In fact, healthy boundaries are essential for building stronger, more authentic relationships. We'll discuss how to communicate your boundaries with compassion and clarity, so you can feel confident in expressing your needs.

Q: What if I've tried setting boundaries before, but they haven't worked?

A: Setting boundaries is a skill that takes practice and refinement. This workshop will provide you with a deeper understanding of boundaries, as well as practical tools and strategies for setting and maintaining them effectively.

Q: Will this workshop be recorded?

A: While the workshop will not be recorded to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of participants, you will receive a comprehensive workbook with all the key takeaways, exercises, and resources to refer back to.

Q: What if I can't make the live workshop time?

A: We understand that schedules can be busy. If you can't make the live session, you can still benefit from the workshop materials and recordings, though it is designed to be a live, interactive experience. There are no refunds for any reason.

Q: What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds for any reason but you will get access to the workshop recording and workbooks 7 Days after the live event.

Q: How do I sign up?

Register below for August 14th, starting at 5pm CST until 8 pm CST

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